I wanted you to know a little about me so you can fairly judge the person behind the movement. These days it's all too easy to buy a domain name and build a website to make it look like you're running a real business with hundreds of employees. This is an opportunity for you to get to know a little about me and maybe I'll get to know you as you get involved with the movement.
"Who am I?" Well that depends on your perspective. Let me provide two quick views to get first impressions out of the way.
1. PERSONAL: A house in rural North Eastern North Carolina, two dogs, married for 28 years (although we've been together for 33 years), four kids (last one graduates high school this year, and the only one still living at home!); retired once at age 45; currently working three jobs and writing a book. Oh yes...and starting this movement. I guess that counts for something.
2. PROFESSIONAL: Feel free to have a look at my LinkedIn profile: Frank W. Klucznik. Some additional factoids can also be found if you Google my name as either: "Frank W. Klucznik" or “Frank Klucznik". No skeletons, no dirt, and no surprises; just very ordinary stuff.
At this point in my life, I am truly an open book. I have nothing to to hide and no hidden agenda. I am exactly what I want to be, where I want to be, doing exactly what I want to do, and it simply doesn't get any better than that. The only reason I'm not in the top 1% is because I decided a long time ago I didn't want that life. I turned it down for a loving wife and four happy, successful and at this point three self-supporting children, – I have to get the last one through college before we can make that final judgment. In my opinion though, I guess that is all a parent can wish for these days.
If you ask people about me at my job, they’d tell you I have a reputation for getting things done. If they have something that absolutely "has" to get done, I'll do it! In my personal life, I'm known as the guy who will help anyone, anywhere, anytime. This movement is a combination of both these character traits and, as a result, it is going to happen, with or without help from anyone else. I am 100% committed to making this movement a reality. In fact, it became a reality with the launch of this website!
The impetus for this movement comes from the ancient Chinese proverb - “Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach him how to fish and he will eat for a lifetime.” I’ll leave it to you to see the connection…..
I plan to share “The Happiness Advantage” with people for as long as I can, and document the legacy it creates on this web site in the coming years. However establishing a self-sustaining movement will require many more people that get involved. The more people that get involved, the more others will benefit, and the greater the degree of success we will have. It's all up to you, and I'm happy either way. Oh my...a real example of the happiness advantage at work!
My goal is to use as much funding as possible to share “The Happiness Advantage” with as many people as I can, however, at some point as the movement grows, there are going to be administrative and overhead costs. Plans are to minimize them as much as is practically possible and to channel funds to where they will do the most good.
I believe that's enough information for our first introduction. If you feel the need to contact me directly use: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . Otherwise feel free to use the appropriate area of the JOIN US page to begin helping us help others - one book, one person at a time.
So now you know way more about me than I know about you, and I hope to meet you soon as an active and supporting member of the movement!