Spreading The Happiness Advantage

Mapping the Spread of The Happiness Advantage


Go out there and make this world a better place... BE THE CHANGE YOU WANT TO SEE 1)Get your copy of The Happiness Advantage 2) Register it, Read it, Apply it & start telling others about your experiences!! 3)Donate and help spread the wealth of joy and happiness with the people who need it most! No longer constricted or confined by geographical location, we are at a turning point in the story of the human experience...Our society has come to a climax to just how much misery and malcontent we can tolerate. People are starting to lose it and the masses are crying out for help. We are all desperate for change. Let's each start where it counts the most... with ourselves. Acts of random kindness are a productive and easily enforced way to create change within ourselves and have a positive impact on the lives of others as well!